Friday, 19 December 2014

Make money online

Make money online

Do you want to make money online? The following are various categories of business/programs on the net. Most of these sites are free to sign up (No investment required) UPDATED: June 2021

Monday, 15 December 2014

Is google trolling me?

Is google trolling me?

Directing search term to different post

Google troll
Google "Let's pick some random guy to troll for the lulz"

Sunday, 7 December 2014 scam scam

website review

Do not invest in It's a scam site.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Forex glossary of terms

Forex glossary of terms

Glossary of Forex (Foreign Exchange) Terminology

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Kanak-kanak Palestin didera

Kanak-kanak Palestin didera

600 kanak-kanak Palestin yang ditahan di Baitulmaqdis sejak Jun 2013 dan mereka diseksa semasa ditahan atau disiasat pihak berkuasa Israel.

Palestinian children abused by Israeli police dog
Polis Iarael menahan seorang kanak-kanak Palestin ketika berlaku pertempuran antara penduduk Palestin and pasukan keselamatan Israel pada oktober bulan lalu, sebagai membantah tindakan Israel melarang penduduk Islam memasuki Masjid Al-aqsa.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Iron deficiency in Russia

Iron deficiency crisis in Russia

reduces the learning capacity in children

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Windows 7 Update Error Code BC9

Windows 7 Update Error Code BC9

How to fix Windows 7 Update Error Code BC9

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Windows 7 Update Error Code 8024D00A

Windows 7 Update Error Code 8024D00A

How to fix Windows 7 Update Error Code 8024D00A

Monday, 29 September 2014

Pemimpin Israel perlu dihukum

Pemimpin Israel perlu dihukum (29/09/2014)

Palestine - Israel

Children in Gaza
KANAK-KANAK Palestin adalah antara mangsa jenayah perang Israel ketika rejim Zionis itu melancarkan operasi ketenteraan selama 53 hari ke atas Genting Gaza pada Julai dan Ogos lalu, menyaksikan hampir 600 kanak-kanak Palestin terbunuh dalam serangan itu. - REUTERS

Monday, 15 September 2014

Conspiracy to eliminate Italy from World Cup 2002

Conspiracy to eliminate Italy from World Cup 2002

The worst refereeing towards azzurri 

Forza Azzurri


Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Proof that US/illuminati created ISIS

Proof that US/illuminati created ISIS

The new world order propaganda

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Mesir letak garam pada luka penduduk Palestin.

Mesir letak garam pada luka penduduk Palestin (28/08/2014)

cuba menggagalkan misi kemanusiaan Malaysia ke Gaza

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Monday, 7 July 2014

State of decay - Survivors

State of decay - Survivors

State Of Decay : 48 survivors | Leaving Trumbull Valley | Ending.

State of decay public creatice design
State of decay cover (Public domain creative work)