Significant numbers (part 2)
WORD COUNTS in the Quran
VERIFIED COLLECTION LIST by me and other people
How are the words counted?
The Logical Rules(which are extracted from Qur’an itself) for counting words:
-If you count two opposite Words (example Word X and Word Y) you must count on both sides with the same Method.
-If you count only singular words you must count on the Other Side also Singular.
-Or you count all Derivatives you must count on the Other Side also all Derivatives.
-If you count only word with infinite article (The/Arabic Al) you must count on the other side also with infinite article (The/Arabic Al).
1. I suggest everyone to watch this video to get an introduction to the word counts in the Quran
2. Responding to objections to word counts in Quran
God swears in this verse about opposite parts:
89:3 by the even and the odd,
Antonyms - (Opposite ”WORDS” counting, no verse is needed to connect them)
Angels – 88 times
Devils – 88 times
This world – 115 times
Next world – 115 times
Heat – 4 times
Coolness – 4 times
Summer – 1 time
Winter – 1 time
Man – 23 times
Woman – 23 times
Worry – 13 times
Reassurance – 13 times
Close– 10 times
Away – 10 times
People of understanding(Arabic Albab) - 16 times
Crazy/Craziness (Arabic Jinnat/Majnun) - 16 times
Belief – 25 times
Disbelief – 25 times
Benefit-9 times
Harm – 9 times
East Sunrise – 16 times
West Sunset – 16 times
Your day – 5 times-
Their day – 5 times
Allah loves - 17 times-
Allah loves not - 17 times
Benefit (In all forms, Arabic Naf*) - 50 times-
Corruption/Damage (In all forms, Arabic Fasad) - 50 times
Nonspecific singular Brother - 4 times
Nonspecific singular Sister - 4 times
Rich-24 times -
Poor- 12 times
Allah says in Quran Allah is Rich (Free of all wants), and you (mankind) are poor.
Near 27 - Far 26 (Difference of 1 because perhaps to emphasize qiyamah is closer than far)
Indeed, they see it [as] distant, But We see it [as] near. 70:6-7
Love-17 times
Hate-17 times
Obedience-3 times
Disobedience-3 times
Old man - 4 times
Old woman - 4 times
Child (opposite to old people above) - 4 times
Sleep/Dream - 7 times
Vision - 7 times
Morning - 7 times
Evening- 7 times
Antonyms - (Opposite ”TEXT” counting, no verse is needed to connect them)
Chapter 88
Verses (2-7) about Hell and people of Hell – 24 words
Verses(8-16) about Paradise and people of paradise – 24 words
Similar words counting or words which have connections with each other counting
Sun – 33 times
Light (singular)- 33 times
Wine – 6 times
Drunk/drunkness – 6 times
Preach – 25 times
Tongue/Language – 25 times
That day (referring to Judgment day) – 70 times
Judgment day – 70 times
Messenger and all its derivatives – 513 times
All names of Messengers (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, David, Jacob…until Muhammed) – 513 times
Prophet(Arabic Nabi root Nun ba hamza, bearer of good ”news”) – 80 times
News-(Arabic Naba root Nun ba hamza, same root as for prophet) – 80 times
2:213 Mankind was a single community, then God sent prophets(Nabiyyan) to bring good news and warning…
The phrase ”Seven heavens” – 7 times
The creation of Heavens – 7 times
Say – 332 times
They said – 332 times
War – 4 times
Prisoners of War – 4 times
Spoils of War - 4 times
Painful Penalty - 4 times
Jesus’ disciples – 5 times
Monks/Monasticism/Priests - 5 times
Chapter 18 where year and science of DNA were prophecied
(DNA appears most times in the Qur’an in verse 18:65, the science of DNA began the year 1865 by Gregor Mendel)
Letters in this formation DNA – 7 times
Letters in this formation RNA – 7 times
The Kingdom – 20 times
The Throne – 20 times
Fruit/s-14 times
Plow occurs -14 times
Crop occurs -14 times
Gold (Zhahab) - 8 times in the Quran
Luxury (Taraf) - 8 times in the Quran
Go Down (Arabic Habata) - 8 Times
Fall (Saqata) - 8 Times
Bees - 1 time
Honey - 1 time
Glorification - 2 times
Those who glorify - 2 times
Words which are connected by a verse
Adam – 25 times
Jesus – 25 times
Verses which connects them:
3:59 For God the likeness of Jesus is as that of Adam whom He fashioned out of dust and said "Be" and he was.
Iblis is the name of greatest Satan
Iblis – 11 times
Seeking refuge – 11 times
Verses which connects them:
41:36 If Satan incites you to evil, seek refuge in God. He is all-hearing and all-knowing.
Dog - 5 times
People who deny our signs - 5 times
A verse which connects them:
7:176 …..His likeness is that of a dog who hangs out his tongue if you drive him away and still hangs it out if you leave him alone. Such is the case of the people who deny Our signs. Narrate this history to them; they may haply reflect.
False (all forms) -36 times
Doubt (all forms) - 36 times
Losers - 36 times
The verse which connects these two words:
Verses connecting them:
29:52: وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِالْبَاطِلِ وَكَفَرُوا بِاللَّهِ أُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ
29:52 Those who >believe< in FALSEHOOD and >disbelieve< in Allaah, these are the LOSERS.
A verse which connects these two words:
29:48 Neither did you (Muhammad) read any book before it (this Quran) nor did you write any book (whatsoever) with your right hand. In that case, indeed, the followers of FALSEHOOD might have DOUBTED.
Action(Do, does…) – 108 times
Reward – 108 times
Verse which connects them:
4:114 There is no good in most of their secret talk, only in commanding charity, or good, or reconciliation between people. To anyone who ”does” these things, seeking to please God, We shall give a rich ”reward”;
Spider- 2 times
Those whom they had taken(protectors) besides Allah - 2 times
Those whom they had taken(protectors) besides Him - 2 times
Verse which connects these examples:
29:41 The likeness of >>those whom they had taken besides Allah<<, protectors is as the likeness of a >>spider<<, that takes to himself a house; and, verily, the weakest of houses is a spider's house, if they did but know!
Donkey- 2 times
Carrying (the Torah) - 2 times
Verses which connects these examples:
62:5 The parable of those entrusted to carry the Torah, who subsequently do not carry it out in practice, is that of a donkey carrying a load of books (it transports what it does not understand). How evil is the example of those who (ignore what their Book teaches and) deny God’s Revelations (sent down for them and containing news of the Last Messenger)! God does not guide the wrongdoing people.
Magic/Witchcraft (Arabic Sihr) - 60 times
Tempt/Test/Trial (Arabic Fitnah) - 60 times
Verses which connects these two words
2:102 and followed what the evil ones had fabricated about the Kingdom of Solomon instead. Not that Solomon himself was a disbeliever; it was the evil ones who were disbelievers. They taught people >magic/witchcraft< and what was revealed in Babylon to the two angels Harut and Marut. Yet these two never taught anyone without first warning him, ‘We are sent only to >tempt/test/trial<- do not disbelieve.’
Last Hour (Sa'at) - 48 times
Unseen (Ghayb, pure singular form) - 48 times
verse which connects these two words:
34:3 Still, the disbelievers say, ‘The LAST HOUR(Sa'at) will never come upon us.’ Say(to them Muhammed), ‘Yes, by my Lord, [it will], by Him who knows the UNSEEN(GHAYB)! Not even the weight of a speck of dust in the heavens or earth escapes His knowledge, nor anything smaller or greater. It is all recorded in a clear Record
Ship- 23 times-
Drowning - 23 times
He (Noah) and those with him were saved in a Ship – and their oppositions were drowned.
The verse which connects these two words:
64- They rejected him. Consequently, we saved him and those with him in the ”ship”, and we ”drowned” those who rejected our revelations, they were blind.
7-The Purgatory, 64
Few -75 times
Appreciative/Thankful- 75 times
Verse which connect these two words
34:13....only a few of My servants are appreciative/thankful. (The Quran)
Sick (Athan) - 24 times
Hurt(Marid) - 24 times
Verse which connect these two words
2:196 But should any of you be ”sick”, or have a ”hurt” in his head, let the atonement be by fasting or charity, or sacrifice.
Guidance (Hudan) - 79 times
Mercy (Rahmat) - 79 times
verses which connects these two words:
16:64 We have sent down the Scripture(Quran) to you(Muhammed) only to make clear to them what they differ about, and as >>guidance<< and >>mercy<< to those who believe.
7:154 Once again, We gave Moses the Scripture(Torah), perfecting [Our favour] for those who do good, explaining everything clearly, as >>guidance<< and >>mercy<<, so that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.
Light/Enlightening - 49 times
Intellect/Understanding - 49 times
Verses which indirectly connects these words see the photo bellow.
41:1 This is a Scripture which We have sent down to you [Prophet] so that, with their Lord’s permission, you may bring people from the depths of darkness into light,
2:242 In this way Allah makes His Signs clear to you so that hopefully you will use your intellect.
22:8 Yet there are some who contend about God without any knowledge or guidance or enlightening Book,
Trumpet- 10 times
Blow - 20 times, blowing is mentioned twice more just like the verse connects two blows with a trumpet
39:68 The TRUMPET will be BLOWN, whereupon everyone in the heavens and the earth will be struck unconscious, except those who will be spared by God. Then it will be BLOWN another time,
whereupon they will all rise up, looking.
Blessed/Blessings (Arabic Baraka)- 32 times
Charity/Purity (Arabic Zakah) - 32 times
Verse which connects these two words
19:31 He(Allah) made me(Jesus) >>blessed<< wherever I may be. He commanded me to pray, to give >>charity(zakah)<< as long as I live
The creation of Heavans - 7 times
He(God) ascended on the Throne (after the creation of Heavens)- 7 times
Verse which connects these two:
7:54 Your Lord is God, who created the heavens and earth in six periods, then ascended Himself on the throne;
Darkness (without definitive article)- 9 times
Kindling fire - 9 times
Verse which connect darkness with kindling fire:
2:17 Their example is that of one who >>kindled a fire<<, but when it illuminated what was around him, Allah took away their light and left them in >>darkness<< [so] they could not see.
Word darkness in verse 2:17 was used without definitive article, so all words darkness without definitive articles were counted.
Warn(Nadher) - 124 times
Frighten/Fear(Khawf) - 124 times
verse which connects these two words:
6:51 Use the Quran to ">warn<" those who ">fear<" being gathered before their Lord- they will have no one but Him to protect them and no one to intercede- so that they may beware.
Ending abode/destination (arabic Maseer) - 28 times
For ever (arabic Abad) - 28 times
Verses which connects these two words, beacuse life in hereafter(our ending abode/destination) will last for ever::
64:9-10 When He gathers you for the Day of Gathering, the Day of mutual neglect, He will cancel the sins of those who believed in Him and acted righteously: He will admit them into Gardens graced with flowing streams, there to remain "FOR EVER" - the supreme triumph
But those who disbelieved and rejected Our signs will be the inhabitants of the Fire, there to remain- a miserable "DESTINATION".
Heart (arabic Fuad, synonim to Qalb) - 16 times
People of understanding(arabic Albab) - 16 times
Crazy/Craziness (arabic Jinnat/Majnun) - 16 times
Verse which connects heart(Qalb, synonim to Fuad) and understanding:
22:46...and do they not have hearts to understand...
Justice (Arabic Qist) - 23 times
Balance (Arabic Wazn) - 23 times
Verse connecting both words:
55:9- "وَأَقِيمُوا الْوَزْنَ بِالْقِسْطِ وَلَا تُخْسِرُوا الْمِيزَانَ"
"So establish weight with JUSTICE and fall not short in the BALANCE".
(and verse which connect these two words : 6:152, 11:85, 21:47, 57:25)
Hell (Jahannam) - 77 times
Paradises/Gardens(plural) - 77 times
Paradise/Garden(Singular) - 70 times
That Day - 70 times
Judgment Day- 70 times
Verse which connect Paradise and That day:
25:24: Owners of THE GARDEN (Paradise), on THAT DAY, will be better in their abode, and have the best place of repose.
"Jaza" (recompense, for good or bad actions) occurs 117 times.
"Ghfr" (forgiveness) occurs 234 times (exact DOUBLE)
Hadith which connect these two words and make forgivness(mercy) > recompense(wrath)
Allah wrote upon himself: "My Mercy overpowers my wrath" (Bukhari & Muslim)
"Muhammad" occurs - 4 times in the Quran
"Shari'ah" (his Law) occurs - 4 times in the Quran
(all forms of this word)
Ayah connecting these 2 words:
45:18- Then We (God) set you (Muhammad) upon a clear course
of the (Shari'ah) Law; so follow it, and do not follow
the desires of those who do not know
Want (Raghab): Repeated 8 times
Fear (Rahab): Repeated 8 times
Verse which connect these two words:
21:90 They were speedy in good deeds, and used to call on Us with WANTING and FEAR.
Blood - 10 times
Unclean - 10 times
Verse which connects these two words in the Qur'an:
6:145 Say (to them Muhammad): "In all the commands revealed to me I find nothing which men have been forbidden to eat except carrion and running >>blood<< and flesh of the swine for it is >>unclean<<...."
Word counts according to numbers from the Qur'anic text, according numerical values of the letters or scientific facts etc:
From the begining of the story about people of the cave to the Word 309 where it is mentioned how many years they were in the cave, there are 309 words.
7:155 and 156 , these two verses talking about 71 men at meeting
These two verses has totally 71 words in orginal Quran in arabic.
Sea/Land ratio in the Quran double programing
In words
Singular Sea - 33
Singular Land- 12
(12+33) =45
33/45=0,73333---->73.33% water covering the earth
Words Sea and Land counted with their numerical values
Sea abjad numerical value - 241
Land abjad numerical value - 233
Singular Sea all occurences
33 x 241= 7953
Singular Land all occurences
12 x 233 = 2796
Sea + land = 7953 + 2796 = 10 749
Sea ratio---> 7953 /10 749 = 0,7398---> 73,98% water covering the earth
Difference 1-2% from latest measurements from U.S. geological survey
-All verses containing word "Moon" before chapter Moon have 340 words
-Word Moon has numerical value 340
579 words before spider verse 29:41 from the begining of the chapter Spider, Word Spider has numerical value 579
Chapter Night is 92th chapter of the Qur'an, word Night occur 92 times in the Qur'an
Word "The Night" before chapter Night is mentioned 71 times, Chapter Night has 71 words. Oath with NIght occur in 7 verses, those 7 verses have 21 words, just like there are 21 verses in the chapter Night.
Verse 27:12 talking about 9 signs, from this verse to the end of the chapter word "sign" is mentioned 9 times
Word Heart(Qalb) has numerical value 132
Word Heart(Qalb in singular and plural) mentioned 132 times in the Quran
From the begining of the chapter Iron to the verse where Iron is mentioned there are 450 Words = Iron has 450 J/kg specific heat capacity.
See word counts which has connection with natural phenomenon
Name Muhammed is derived from root word HMD (praise) , word Praise is mentioned in all derivative forms 63 times in the Qur'an, Muhammed lived 63 years on earth.
Thunder mentioned in the Quran totally 2 times in verses
2:19 and 13:13 and nowhere else.
Those two verses are totally different in words, both Verses have:
19 words, 83 letters
Letters for Thunder, arabic (Rad) occur 9 times
Letters for The Thunder, arabic (AlRad) occur 27 times
Letters ALM in verse 2:29 occur 25 times
Letters ALMR in verse 13:13 occur 25 times
72 muslim sects will go to Hell
72 times word Faraqa (divide, sect/divison/party, Criterion to separate into different parts) in different forms mentioned in the Qur'an
Word Counts which has connection with natural phenomenon :
1. Nonspecific singular form for Day- 365 times just like in a year
2. Word days (plural form) – 30 times, (corresponding to 30 days
in lunar- and solar month)
3. Word month singular form 12 times just like in a year
4a Word Moon – 27 times
4b Word crescent (part of the moon) – 1 time
Word Crescent, part of the moon, occur once = part of 28 day (7h 43m 12s or we can write it in decimals .32166)
Moon orbits the earth
27.32166 days according to NASA
5.Jewish Sabbath 7th day of the week Word Sabbath in the Quran - 7 times
6. Word Year mentioned 19 times - It takes the Earth and the moon 19 years to meet at the same starting point. This cycle of 19 years is called the Metonic cycle
7.Word "Colors" in plural 7 times, Rainbow has 7 colors.
Why numerical miracles in the Qur’an are proof that it is book from God and not from humans?
In Qur’an there are many word count miracles among other numerical miracles which are present in the Qur’an. Word counts like:
Angels – mentioned 88 times
Devils - mentioned 88 times
This world – 115 times
Next world- 115 times
Man-24 times
Woman 24 times
Word day nonspecific singular mentioned 365 times, word month singular 12 times just like in a year.
When you present these examples to a non-muslim he often reply , we can also do that, that is easy to do now, so what is special about that??
Such person dont know circumstances when revelation came down to Muhammed, to appriciate these numerical miracles.
First we need to understand how revelation came down:
Zaid bin Thabit, one of the chief scribes relates: "I used to write down the revelation for the Holy Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. When the revelation came to him he felt intense heat and drops of perspiration used to roll down his body like pearls. When this state was over I used to fetch a shoulder bone or a piece of something else. He used to go on dictating and I used to write it down. When I finished writing the sheer weight of transcription gave me the feeling that my leg would break and I would not be able to walk anymore. Anyhow when I finished writing, he would say, 'Read!' and I would read it back to him. If there was an omission or error he used to correct it and then let it be brought before the people." (Mu'jam Al-Tabarani Al-Awst, Hadith 1913. Dar al-Haramain, Cairo, 1415 AH Authenticated by Al-Haithmi in Majma’ Al-Zawaid 8/257, Hadith 13938)
First we need to understand it from Muhammed’s perspective:
-Muhammed was illitarate person, could not read nor write
-They did not have computers, calculus, enough paper, no search programs etc, you can rely only on your mind.
-Events from real life shape your book, when something happens, you need to make a sign when you start your imaginary revelation from your head. For example if a woman comes to you to talk about how her husband treat her so bad, or if a man comes to complain on his wife, like in Muhammed’s case:
Verse 58:1 God has heard the words of the woman who disputed with you [Prophet] about her husband and complained to God: God has heard what you both had to say. He is all hearing, all seeing. (Qur’an)
It is not like that you just sit down and recite what you want, but sometimes you are forced to recite due to the certain situation and that recitation can destroy your coding, so you have to know how many times you said some word, to not mention it anymore, beacuse if you already said enough words Day to match number 365 just like in a year, you can never say that specific word in your book anymore, or if you do, it would destroy your coding.
Do you understand now how certain future events shape the content of your book?
Could you know future events that will occur so you can plan what words you are going to recite during that situation? No
-Another important thing which need to be mentioned is Muhammed's difficult situation during revelation period
- He was beaten, humiliated, lived in economic sanctions, hunger, fear, sorrow beacuse of familiy members, war beacuse idolators attacked him so many times. Imagine you are i war zone and you want to recite a book which you will claim it is book from God, who would think about numerical coding when you are in war zone , you fight, you hear bullets and granades fly around you and now you are going to recite a text which will be numerically coded….i doubt that.
So when you know now the cirumstances of the revelation of the Quran and the position of Muhammed during these 23 difficult years, now you can at least understand why we muslims believe that this is word of God and not from humans nor Muhammed.
- Many of numerical miracles include knowing chapternumbers and versenumbers. During the revelation time, there was no numbering of chapters and verses.
Endings of verses were symbols or decorations to indicate that the verse ends there. So you could not say, verse 34 or 57 etc
Numbering of verses came long after revelation of the Qur'an finished, numbering of verses was done to make easier for us to refer to certain verses with help of numbers,
instead of explaining to people "in verse which says this and that.."
So imagine now, you dont have numbered verses, how difficult it would be to a person to program numerically a text without knowing verse numbers,
it would be a real nightmare to try program it. That verses were not numbered during prophet Muhammed's time is proof that numerical coding/programing of the Quran
comes from God, beacuse there were layers upon layers upon layers of difficulties to try to do something like Qur'an when you consider all dificulties mentioned above.
-During revelation there was no editing process, for example that the revelation text is changed after it is written, so if someone want to recite imaginary revelation he has only one chance to do it and he cant edit the text anymore, once it is recited, no chance anymore to rewrite the text, beacuse if someone would change the text it would be obvious that it is not revelation, God does not regret so he can never rewrite the text he sent to his prophet.
- One of the biggest difficulties for numerical coding of a book is numerical programing of future events in it, something that will occur in future you have to know specific
info about that event from the future so you can put it in the book. Examples like moonlanding, 9/11 event prophecy etc. were coded numericaly in the Qur'an.
Just to know info about future events without revelation is an impossible task, and even if you knew it, next difficulty is to incorporate it in the text of the "imaginary" revelation.
If i told you, this and that will happen in future, here are the crucial numbers 41, 136, 331 and 1436 to use in the coding, how could you as illitarate person recite a text and plan to organize it in the book so that
those numbers match the future event which will be prophecied???
Only all-knowing being, who knows past, present and future can recite and organize a book like this, no human on earth can do this, not even if all humanity joined together to produce something
like it, they could never produce it.
Put yourself in Muhammed's shoes and try to recite something, to plan how to code your book, if you are in his shoes, illitarate, no helping tools, difficult life situations, future events shape your book etc now you can understand that it cant be his word but word from God.
God is telling us about numerical miracles in his book Qur'an:
Verses tell us both directly and indirectly that Qur'an is numerically programed book
God give hints that everything is also enumerated/counted in the Qur'an:
78:29 And everything We have enumerated in a Book.
God give hints about number 19 and Quran
74:30 Over it are nineteen
/ then explanation about 19
74:31 none other than angels appointed by Us to guard Hellfire- and We have made their number a test for the disbelievers. So those who have been given the Scripture will be certain and those who believe will have their faith increased: neither those who have been given the Scripture nor the believers will have any doubts, but the sick at heart and the disbelievers will say, ‘What could God mean by this example?’ God leaves whoever He will to stray and guides whoever He will- no one knows your Lord’s forces except Him- this [description] is a warning to mankind.
74:35 It is one of the mightiest things
/ we see here that numerical miracle is challenge for disbelievers and has ability to give certainity" who have been given the Scripture will be certain" that jews and christians belief in God becomes even more certain after they see these numerical miracles
"and those who believe will have their faith increased"
/ that we muslims increase in faith after seeing these numerical miracle in front of us.
God gives hints about number 7 in the Qur'an:
15:87 We have given thee seven of the oft-repeated, and the mighty Koran.
/ Just like number 19 and 7 , God himself points towards these numbers, it is not we who just pick and choose number and try to find numerical pattern, God himself give hints and we just analyze it and discover patterns.....
God swears in this verse about opposite parts which give hints to opposite words and texts counting numerical miracles in the Quran:
89:3 by the even and the odd,
/ odd and even are opposite just like man and woman are, or angel and devils, or this world-next world etc...
God swears in this verse about even and the odd:
89:3 by the even and the odd,
/ this also give hints towards symetry which is produced by od and even numbers in chaper and verse numbers in the Qur'an
What is the reason God program his book numerically?
Let hear what God says about it:
bear in mind this:
74:31 ...and We have made their number a test for the disbelievers. So those who have been given the Scripture will be certain and those who believe will have their faith increased....
the reason for this is:
41:53 We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?
remember this part: ->>>"and We have made their number a test for the disbelievers"
compare to this what God says:
2:23 If you have doubts about the revelation We have sent down to Our servant, then produce a single sura like it- enlist whatever supporters you have other than God- if you truly [think you can].
24 If you cannot do this- and you never will- then beware of the Fire prepared for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones.
/ we see clearly that numerical miracles are challenge for disbelievers
"and We have made their number a test for the disbelievers"
"then produce a single sura like it- enlist whatever supporters you have other than God- if you truly [think you can]."
What can we achieve from disovering and understanding these numerical pattern in the Qur'an?
1. Increase in faith and certainity that Quran is revelation from God
2. We prove mathematically that Quran is unchanged since the time of revelation
3. We understand initial letters better?
4. We understand stuff like why God sometimes cut sentences in half to produce two verses, instead of one verse like this
55:1 The merciful.
2. who taught the Quran.
why not put it like 1 verse 55:1 "The merciful who taught the Quran."
if it was written like this, numerical programing would be broken, several numerical miracles would fall apart if we combine first and second verse into 1 verse.
I apologize if some of my data/facts are wrong here. I will update from time to time. Thanks for reading and may Allah guide us all.
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