Thursday, 18 June 2015

SAW (video game) - exe has stopped working fix

SAW - SawGame.exe has stopped working fix

Step by step guide

Trying to run the game and encountered exe error? In this tutorial, I will guide you how to fix "SawGame.exe has stopped working"

Step 1:

Make sure you have installed PhysX even you have AMD/ATI graphic card. The installer should be on the game directory. [ Program Files\SAW\PhysX ] or you can download from NVIDIA PhysX System Software .If it doesn't work, try step 2.

Step 2 :

Change the sound settings to 24bit, 48000 Hz (studio quality). For windows 7 users, the simplest way to do this, by right clicking the speaker icon at bottom right of your screen. .
Go to <playback devices>  , click speakers/headphone, go to <properties> <advanced tab> and change the sound format.

24 bit 48000 Hz

Note: The game should run normally after step 1. If it doesn't, you can try step 2. Hope this helps. Good luck.


  1. The steps worked!... Many thanks!!!

  2. Oh yeah. It works. Thanks a lot. You've saved me!

  3. I really didn't think it would help, but it did.. thanks lol
