Monday, 1 July 2019

Proof that Quran is from God

Proof that Quran is from God

Quran miracles, scientific facts and super intelligent math

Miracles of Quran

Proof that Quran is from God presented visually, super intelligent math in Quran:

This Video Made Me Convert To Islam:

Miracles of Quran By Dr Zakir Naik:

Top 10 Mathematical Miracles in The Quran:

Miracle of Ayatul-Kursi - Linguistic Miracle:


We call it the primary proof, the sign, and the miracle. We speak of a physical object exists in reality. The Quran was orally revealed by God to the final Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him), through the archangel Gabriel (Jibril), incrementally over a period of some 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of his death.. It is a scripture which contains a blend of brilliant poetry, deep prose coherent philosophical, ethical system, scientific phenomena, and mathematical symmetries. This scripture contains the ultimate answers to all major questions. Profoundness and integrity of these answers are capable of filling the soul of the seeker of truth with a sense of enthusiatic satisfaction from the attained goal and the answer of God will undoubtedly be the most important. The scripture convincingly verifies the existence of God and at the same time completely reveals as well.

This concrete evidence is the mathematical code encrypted within the text. The scripture carries a complex mathematical structure based on proportions, symmetries, sequences and numerical values of letters. words, sentences, and chapters. The creation of such structure is unthinkable without the application of advanced computing technology especially considering the age of the writing. This scripture is the QURAN.

It is precisely this kind of proof those searched for by the greatest thinkers and scientist of old and present: Pythagoras, Euclid, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Averroes, Thomas Aquinas, Copernicus, Pascal, Godel, and others. Indirect before the might of God, thinkers attempted to understand His creation with the help of the reason. Exploring the world in search of divine traces, they achieved much and built the world we live in. The activity of these people led to revolutionary changes in lifestyle, thought process, and colossal accomplishments in the fields of science and technology. However, the simple accumulation of knowledge wasn't the goal of the geniuses. The main objective was to find logical convincing and verifiable evidence of God's existence.

Mathematical miracles of the Quran

Significant numbers

Now, there are some mathematical miracles of the Quran. Throughout all the Quran, if you count some specific words, you will come across to very meaningful results. I would like to give you some examples. For instance, if you count the word 'punishment' throughout the whole Quran, it is repeated 117 times, whereas the word 'forgive' is repeated 234 times inside the whole Quran. If you multiply 117 by 2, you're going to have 234. It is very meaningful, why? Because Quranic morality, Allah recommends and orders believers/Muslims to forgive rather than punishing. Moreover, Allah orders to our prophet "say", it is repeated 332 times, and the response, "they said" is equally repeated 332 times. The words "world" and "hereafter", they are repeated 115 times equally. The word "devil" and "angel", those 2 words are equally repeated 88 times. "heaven" and "hell" equally repeated 77 times. "zakah" and "barakah" equally repeated 32 times. "summer, hot" and "winter, cold" equally repeated 5 times. "Richness" is repeated 26 times and  "poverty" is repeated 13 times.

"woman' and "man" are repeated 23 times. Well, do you have any idea what those numbers represent? Chromosome numbers of a human being. A human body contains 46 different chromosomes. That portion of total 46 health which 23 comes from the father and which other 23 comes from the mother. "land" is repeated 13 times and the word "sea" is repeated 32 times. At first sight, it doesn't seem to be very meaningful. However, if you do simple math, 13 + 32, you're going to have 45 for the result. 13 out of 45, you're going to get 28.88% . 32 out of 45, you're going to get 71.11%. What those numbers represent? All the land of the earth occupies 28.88% and all the sea of the earth occupies 71.11%. Now, let's talk about Iron. Iron is in the middle of the Earth. The middle of Surahs is Sura Al-Hadid (The Iron) which is 57 number chapter. The total value of this surah's Arabic name is 57. Iron is the 26th metal according to Periodic Table, the total value of the Arabic word 'Hadid' is 26. Iron has two Isotopes weighing 57 and 58. If you count this surah from Surah Fatiha, it will count 57 times. If you count from Surah Nas, it will count 58 times. Science says Iron is not a native metal and the Quran says Iron was sent to earth.

Fore more information and research about significant numbers, click HERE

Can you see those numbers are meaningful, significant and correlated to each other? All these numbers give us good scientific evidences that the Holy Quran is the word of Allah and it's impossible that this scripture was created by a man.

Scientific facts of the Quran

Today is the age of science and technology. So, let us analyze with the glorious Quran, is it compatible or incompatible with modern science. According to Albert Einstein, the famous physicist and the noble prize winner, "science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind".
Let me remind you, the glorious Quran is not a book of science, but it's a book of signs. It's a book of verses. It contains more than 6 thousand signs out of which 1000 speak about science.

In the field of astronomy, few decades earlier in the 1970s, there were a group of scientists who described how the universe came into existence for which they got the noble prize. They called this as the 'big bang'. These scientist said that initially our universe was one primary nebula then there was a secondary seperation which was the big bang which gave rise to galaxies, the stars, the planets, the sun and as well as the earth on which we live. What was the scientists discovered about 40 years back is mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago in surah anbiya (chapter no 21 verse number 30) where it says "Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?". This big bang which the scientists discovered recently is mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago.

Previously we human beings thought the earth was flat. It was in 1577 when Francis Drake sailed around the earth the first time proved the earth on which we live is spherical in shape. The Quran already explained the shape of earth in surah al naazi'yat verse 30. "and after that the earth, which was smoothened." When we see tafsir we find the meaning of dahaha as "spreaded or expanded or smoothen" But,when we have a look on the Arabic dictionary's, we find daha came from root word دحية dahiyatun,which means egg of hen. According to this dictionary of we see the verse means, "and after that we had made the earth as egg's shape."


"We will show them Our signs in the horizons, and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is witness over all things?" Quran 41-53

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